

Performance Management: A Post-Harvest Checklist

With harvest done, or nearly done, across the prairies, this is the time to engage in a little retrospect.
Recognizing the window is small (and shrinking) to get all the fall work done before freeze-up, this task
may end up a notch or two down the priority list. But nonetheless, it is important to go through this
exercise now that the crop is in the bin.

1. Evaluate actual yields against expected yield
Determine why your yields did, or did not, meet expectations. Not meeting expectations could
be positive or negative, and knowing what you did to control the outcome is important to either
repeat the practice, or learn from the shortcoming.

2. Assign a value to your production
This will be a combination of the prices you’ve already contracted and the current street price
on unpriced grain. Be accurate here; it does you no good to overstate the value or quantity of
your inventory.

3. Determine your current Working Capital
Once you’ve got a value for your total grain on hand, consider the rest of your current assets
and current liabilities to determine your working capital. This is the point in each operating year
(right after harvest) where working capital should be strongest. If it currently is not, seek help.

4. Production Cost and Fixed Cost Review
Looking at your whole operation as one figure does not provide sufficient information to afford
opportunity to increase management and profits. Break it down by crop and by acre. Where are
your positive points? Where are your stress points? What was your equipment cost per acre on
your cereal crops in 2015? What is your unit cost of production on that new land you rented this

5. Field and Crop Analysis
Which fields were profitable? Which crops were profitable? Did you have significant variability
in some fields and/or crops? If so, how are you managing that?

6. Cash Flow Projection
Working capital versus future cash obligations gives you a clear understanding of what your cash
flow will look like over the next several months. Consider your expected cash flow in the near
term with your projections for 2016 (you will be working on those, right?) Does this affect your
expectations for next year?

7. Current Year Tax Analysis
There are less than 10 weeks remaining in the calendar year, and if your year-end matches the
calendar, you’ve got a small window of time remaining to determine what your tax situation will
look like and enact prudent business decisions accordingly.

8. Accrual Financial Statements
Whether you are incorporated or not, you should be having your accountant prepare financial
statements. If those statements have not been accrued in the past, please start now. Accrued
financial statements are the only way to truly gauge your business performance for the fiscal
year. (HINT: old statements can be accrued and presented again for management purposes.)

From the Home Quarter

One of my favorite adages is “If you don’t measure it, how can you manage it?” You’ll notice that the
essence of the points in the check list above is heavily weighted on measuring results. Any advancement
towards innovation in your business is lost if results are not accurately measured. Take the time now
that you’ve got the time to collect your data, analyze the results, and manage your performance.


Managed Risk – Part 3: Credit

You’ve read how I am a fan of Seth Godin’s daily blog. His entry on Thursday September 17 was titled
Serving Size. He writes about how it is “our instinct to fill the bowl” with “bowl” being a metaphor that
could apply to anything and everything from our homes to our egos. For now, let’s consider the “bowl”
to be thought of as “debt.”

If you’re like most farm businesses, you’ve been getting a bigger debt bowl over the last 5-7 years. In
fact, I would bet that if you looked back at your statements from 2005, you would wonder how you even
managed to operate with such little debt (relative to what you’re carrying today.) This is not unique, and
considering western Canadian agriculture (especially grains) has been in a boom for the last 7 years or
so, it is of little surprise that debt levels have also increased.

The question then begs, “How big can the bowls get?”

Lenders love to see strong cash flow and increasing equity. Record cash receipts and appreciating land
values have bolstered lenders’ appetite to lend into agriculture. With money being as cheap as it is (low
interest rates,) farms’ debt bowls have been easy to grow.

What’s been filling all those bowls? Primarily it has been rapidly appreciating land and an insatiable
thirst for more and newer equipment. You’ve read here in the past that there is a distinct difference
between “good debt” and “bad debt.” I challenge everyone to evaluate what is in their “bowls” and
identify the “bad debt.” What percentage of your total debt could be considered “bad?”

Generally speaking, bad debt is the unnecessary debt. Often poorly structured, it eats up cash flow like a
game of Hungry-Hungry Hippos chomps marbles, and it uses up the finite space in your bowl. Yes, there
will come a time when a bigger bowl cannot be had, and it is then that many will wish they had managed
their credit a little closer.

We talked about interest rates in last week’s article, and it spawned more reader feedback than I’ve
received in a while (I’ll credit that to harvest being a greater focus than commenting back to me.) Gerry
Bourgeois, Scotiabank’s Director of Agriculture Banking for Saskatchewan & Manitoba, offered an
interesting strategy in his reader feedback: “With interest rates at an all-time low, farmers with a lot of
debt on their balance sheet should be taking advantage of these current rates to consider locking in 5, 7,
or even 10 year money.” Acknowledging that rates are still going to go up, even if it will be later than
many had expected, Bourgeois says, “I view the current low rates as a compressed spring. Once they
start moving up, they will move up quickly.” He goes on to suggest “locking in rates and using derivatives
to hedge interest rate risk” as a sound strategy many farms could consider.

“Similar to how a farmer would use commodity derivatives in a trading account to hedge his commodity
pricing, we use financial derivatives to hedge interest rates on larger transactions,” Bourgeois says.
Using what are called Banker’s Acceptances, he describes how a “swap” works as a hedge against rate
increases, and alternatively can even goes so far as to structure a “cap” on potential future interest rate
increases, functioning like interest rate increase insurance. “Utilizing these market instruments can
provide greater flexibility in your hedges down the road,” he concludes.

To put more emphasis on managing your credit, here are some focal points to get you started:

  1. Understand how your lender views your business. Are you seen as risky? Are you considered
    highly leveraged? (IE. Can you get a bigger bowl, and if not, is it right full?)
  2. Recognize how your cash flow matches up with your debt obligations? More specifically can you
    meet your debt obligations should your cash flow decrease?
  3. Eliminate bad debt, and keep it out of your operation. Just because you can afford the payments
    today doesn’t mean you should buy, and it certainly doesn’t mean you can afford the payments
    next year either.
  4. Look back at the worst year you’ve had profit wise in the last 10 years. How much debt could
    you service if that was your profit for the next 3 years? Let this be your guide.
  5. If your bowl is full, what is your strategy in case of an emergency (Eg. tractor needs an engine)
    or an opportunity (Eg. prime land unexpectedly hits the market)

Direct Questions

What are you doing to protect yourself from market changes? (Eg. interest rate moves, lender’s
adjustment to credit policy, etc.)

How can you strengthen your overall debt structure?

What happens if your lender instructs you to use a smaller bowl?

From the Home Quarter

Every business needs access to credit to facilitate growth. It is the reckless depletion of many farms’
credit capacity that will further heighten a potential cash flow crisis stemming from shrinking gross
margins. While we cannot change the decisions of the past, we can learn from them. And there is no
time like the present to take steps to improve your debt situation if it’s not currently ideal. There is no
time like the present to strengthen your credit structure to protect what you’ve built considering the
current lending environment.

There are many circumstances where it is a smart decision to get a bigger bowl, but it is often smartest
to know when the bowl is big enough, or even when to get a smaller one


Knowing Your Costs – Part 2: “Misplaced Priorities”

Last week, this article weighed in on the trend of increasing costs in certain areas of the farm, namely
Operations (equipment, fuel, people,) and Facilities (buildings, land, financing.) These are the two most
controllable expense areas in farm management. These are the two cost areas that have seen the
biggest increases.

Over the winter, an old colleague and friend made the following tweet through @RCGFarmWise:
tweetMoe Russell has spent well over 30 years in farm finance
and management, and he has been tracking this kind of
info for a long time. I trust his integrity and his
information. Essentially over 5 crop years, this says that
farmers have increased equipment costs 100% faster
and land costs 400% faster than they’ve increased input
costs. In a time of high commodity prices with yields that
were typically above the long term average, this was not

Recently I took part in a Farm Business Development Initiative (FBDI) seminar that brought together
approved consultants and learning providers (of which I am both) to discuss updates to the program.
(Lean more at During a conversation there, I overheard one attendee saying
how he listens to farmers “bemoaning the $60/ac they spend on seed, but nary a word to the $60/ac
increase in equipment costs they just took on.”

It is not surprising to see farmers looking to inputs first when trying to find ways to cut costs. We justify
it by lamenting increases to seed, fertilizer, and chemical prices. We validate cutting inputs by
acknowledging that inputs require the highest cash cost per acre of anything else on the farm. There are
sound ways to cut inputs; I was enjoying listening to many clients describing how they are using generic
herbicides this year, focusing heavily on scouting to verify the need for fungicides versus just spraying
anyway, etc. But when I heard one who wanted to eliminate a broadleaf herbicide in his cereals to cut
costs, even though I’m no agronomist, I quickly brought risk management to that conversation. Every
decision needs to have a risk/benefit or cost/benefit consideration. There is too much at stake!
More to the tweet above, looking under the right rock is not easy because it will force each of us to
acknowledge how and where we’ve allocated our capital. If we know we should not have increased our
“operations” cost, it’s difficult to face that reality, swallow pride, and make a better (or corrective)
decision. This is magnified in year like 2015 when excess moisture ahead of seeding turned into drought
for most of the growing season, and adding to that the late spring & early fall frosts, we could find that
many will miss their production targets. Are you confident you were using the most efficient agronomic
plan possible? Will your “operations” costs be harder to manage with missed production targets? Will
you be looking under the “inputs rock” to find ways to cut costs?

It has been said many times that “you cannot shrink your way to greatness.” Cutting inputs for the sake
of reducing costs is “shrinking” your ability to generate strong revenue. Even the best marketing cannot
make up for lost production. Your priorities need to continue for you to be:

1. The most proficient manager you can be to build a strategic and tactical plan that maximizes
ROI, personal wealth, and family values;

2. The most efficient producer you can be to lower your Unit Cost of Production;

3. The most equipped marketer you can be to hedge market risk, and generate sufficient gross

By misplacing your cost cutting priority onto the critical facets of your business as listed in the 3 points
above, you would be doing more harm than good, despite best intentions.

Direct Questions

Where have your costs experienced the greatest increase (inputs, operations, facilities)?
In recognizing the 3 critical facets above that require your full investment (management, production,
marketing,) where can you find costs that can you live without?

How confident are you in your awareness and abilities to enact appropriate cost management

From the Home Quarter

You won’t hear me condone a general prescription of “more fertilizer,” but you will hear me advocate
for “better use of fertilizer.” It’s not about the producing biggest yield; it’s not about producing at the
lowest cost; it’s about producing the best yield at the most efficient cost. And the most efficient cost
also refers to “operations” and “facilities.” The allocation of your finite resources to those costs also
needs to be highly efficient. As a banker friend of mine likes to say, “Your crop doesn’t care what color
your equipment is.”
…or how new it is.
…or how much rent the landlord is squeezing out of you.
The purpose of your business is to grow your profits, maximize your ROI (return on investment,) and
increase your wealth. Spending over $200/ac on “operations & facilities” costs will not get you there.


The Drought Dilemma

The smoky haze we started inhaling yesterday drives home more than ever just how dry it really is.
#Drought15 is the Twitter hashtag to learn about how bad it is beyond our respective back doors. By all
accounts, crops are suffering and market prices are starting to reflect it. Those who are in an area that
has been, and/or remains, too wet just might be coyly denying that they ever complained about the

While it is too early to get a handle on any semblance of accurate yield estimates, people I’ve been
talking with have tossed around phrases such as “July harvest” on lentils, and described wheat crops
that are ready to push heads despite only being approximately 2 feet tall. What might be in those heads
if another hot dry windy week prevails?

As a farmer, you are an optimist. Even the most pessimistic ornery old codger you can imagine is still an
optimist if he’s a farmer. If he wasn’t, he’d never put a crop in the ground each spring. But as optimistic
as “Well, if we get one good rain in the next 4-5 days” sounds, it’s not going to make it rain. Despite the
drizzle we’re seeing today, one rain does not make a crop. If you’ve got payments to make, payables to
cover, even payroll to meet, you might want to start thinking about how that will all get done if
#Drought15 persists.

  1. Speak with your creditors.
    They’re not clueless; they hear the weather forecasts and read the crop reports. But they also
    won’t assume; they won’t assume that you’ll have trouble making payments because your crop
    is not going to meet expectations. As far as they’re concerned, you’ll be fully capable of
    satisfying the obligations you promised to make when you signed the loan or lease
    documents…unless they hear otherwise.
    And remember, your lenders are not problem fixers, so coming to them after the trouble gets
    real makes it far more difficult. They have more opportunity to help when they can be proactive.
  2. Consider your options.
    Do you remember Growing Farm Profits Weekly Issue #9? “Life and business can often be like
    snowmobiling: when trouble is ahead sometimes you need to pull back and sometimes you
    need to stay on the throttle.” What is your best option considering your crop’s development to
    date? I recently read an article discussing the possibility of reseeding barley on fields that have
    been froze out or droughted out. Considering the dire need for feed this year, cattlemen will be
    interested in green feed or silage barley. Is it time to consider how that might pencil out?
  3. Change your plans.
    The decisions you made last year and the year before were based on the best information you
    had at the time. The current situation differs greatly and probably requires a new decision.
    Swallowing pride and allowing yourself to change/reverse/discard old decisions could be exactly
    what your business needs. Nay, it IS what your business needs because your business is
    constantly changing and so should your decisions. Knowing when to do so is just as important.

Direct Questions

How would you rate yourself as far as being agile to your financial obligations in light of poor crop

How would your stress level decrease if you took 10% of the time and effort you spend on worrying
about the existing crop conditions and used it to contact your strategic partners and advisors to amend
2015 expectations?

Are you staunchly sticking to your past decisions or are you being flexible and responsive to the needs of
your business?

From the Home Quarter

About 17 or 18 months ago, I blogged about how we need to reset what our expectation of success
really is. After the record 2013 crop, the 2014 crop year was poised to be a real disappointment in
comparison. Considering so far this year we generally went from adequate or excessive moisture in
March to a drought by mid-May, I’d suggest we look at 2015 for what it is and be realistic about what
we can call success. To give you a glimpse of what I mean, in 2014 I was working with a farm that
projected an operating loss due to the excessive moisture, crop quality issues, dropping grain prices, and
high fixed costs. The comment during planning was “OK, so we’re expecting to lose only about $300,000
in 2014; that’s decent considering what it could be.” They reset their expectation of success based on
what they saw.

Take a good hard look at your current year, be realistic with expectations, and make changes as
required. We can help make sense of it, take the emotion out of it, and assist with establishing new

If you’d like help planning your farm for business and personal success, then call me or send an email.


Accountant’s Work & Management Information

In the last post, you read (again) about how important good accounting is to your business. If that wasn’t
enough, here’s more.

Do you ever find yourself tiring of all the financial hub-bub in the media? It seems like every 2 or 3
months the same banks, or automakers, or grocery chains are “reporting earnings.” Well, that’s because
they do. Every quarter, the publicly traded companies release an earnings report, financial statements
as it were, to the shareholders. The shareholders are the owners of the company, and they demand
information that is accurate and on time so they can make an informed decision about increasing their
investment, standing pat, or divesting. The company is in a constant state of flux, and owners want to
know by how much their risk profile has changed in the last 3 months. Accurate and timely information
is not only demanded by the shareholders, it is the law under securities regulations.

So why are farms OK to receive their info once per year, and often as late as 5-7 months past their year-end? If the answer is, “Because the owners (shareholders) aren’t demanding it,” then I have to ask,
“Why the ____ aren’t they?”

Does your lender put more emphasis on the timing and quality of your financial statements than you
do? If your answer is “Yes,” then please keep reading. Actually, print this off and read it weekly until

Quality accounting is more than just minimizing income tax and filing GST & Agri-Stability. Your
accountant should be tasked with generating precise and informative reports that give you, the owner, a
representation of the financial position of your business, and the changes year over year to your farm’s
overall financial health.

If the information in those reports is of little interest to you, or if you’re embarrassed to admit you don’t
understand what the contents really mean, please don’t fret. There are many people who are available
to help including your accountant, your lender, and your business advisor. All of them WANT to help, but
they won’t insult you by assuming you don’t know. For help, first you must ask.

As for all you wonderful accountants out there reading this, please note that I will be working with each
and every one of my clients to fully utilize the financial reports that you create. I will be helping each
farm CEO make informed decisions with help in part from your reports. That said we need reports that
are useful, readable, and easy to navigate. Combining several line items from client info into one line
item on the Review Engagement does not help management make informed decisions! For example, the
account we know as “repairs and maintenance” does not on its own distinguish between equipment
repairs or building repairs unless you break it down for us. When I work with clients to determine their
equipment cost per acre, we need to know just how much R&M is equipment and how much is
something else.

I encourage everyone to have a discussion with your accountant. It’s easy to just do what we do and not
take the time to talk about what we really want. Accountants need to know about your 3 year plan so
they can offer appropriate tax advice. They also need to know if the report they prepare for you is
meeting your expectations. Not everything is negotiable, but you don’t know unless you have the

Direct Questions

How are you utilizing the financial reports that are prepared by your accountant?

Do you have questions when you’re exploring the contents, or do you even feel like you’re reading a
foreign language when reviewing your financial reports?

How do you make decisions about the future if you’re not taking the time to evaluate and understand
past performance?

Are you getting information to your accountant in a timely fashion?

From the Home Quarter

Management decisions, if they are to be informed decisions, need to be made with quality reporting and
realistic expectations; both are key components of a sound business plan. I recently witnessed a
financing deal go south because of the lack of quality information. The account manager aptly described
the financing request plan and supporting information as GIGO: garbage in, garbage out. Other factors
that are usually afforded consideration in a financing deal were never given a chance because the poor
quality information derailed the opportunity first.

It is up to you to work with your accountant, one of your key advisors, to put together the type and
quality of reporting that will not only serve you in making management decisions, but also support your
goals when seeking opportunities for growth.

If you’d like help planning your farm for business and personal success, then call me or send an email.


Valued Advisors = Service of Value

I cannot stress enough the importance of good accounting:

  • I cannot stress with enough occurrences (frequency.)
  • I cannot stress with enough emphasis (urgency.)
  • I cannot stress with enough significance (magnitude.)

You’ve read how I feel about good accounting: you get what you pay for, and if you want to go cheap you’ll get that kind of service.

In early 2015, one of my clients had decided to move their accounting to a quality accounting firm that is
strong in ag. Previously, they were using a service that, while providing a nice financial statement (more
than just a tax preparer,) offered little in the way of consult or advice. As we are trying to move the
financial reporting to the new firm, the old service provider has been unable to clarify a “due to/due
from shareholders” line item in the statements that will have significant bearing on future tax planning.
This solidified to my clients the reasons they were moving from this “low-cost” provider to a quality
accountant in a reputable firm.

As the new firm was reconciling 2014 for my clients, it was discovered that their previous accountant
had not submitted the GST reports correctly for a number of years. The impact will be tens-of-thousands
of dollars. What other information is now suspect to scrutiny? What other ramifications might there be?
In this case, there will likely be a GST audit because the old accountant’s lack of quality work will
BENEFIT my clients to a GST REFUND of an estimated $56,000!

Direct Questions

How much more money was potentially left off the table (i.e Agri-Stability) for these clients? They’ve
come off of a string of tough years due to excess moisture.

How valuable is it to invest a few thousand more each year with a quality accountant to ensure you’re
getting accurate reporting?

Do you ask questions of your accountant, or do you accept what they say without further inquiry? Have
you discussed with your accountant your long term business plans?

From the Home Quarter

It took about 2 seconds during a phone call on Friday between my clients and their new accountants for
my clients to see that the new accountants just paid for themselves. And while a GST audit will be
uncomfortable, the future comfort (and confidence) that the reporting will be on spec and on time is of
great value. We’re all eager to see what else this new firm can find.

If you, as a businessperson, don’t value the financial reporting that your accountant creates, then you
will likely see accounting as an expense that you are trying to minimize. Accounting is one of those
services where you get what you pay for, and going on the cheap can be costly, as my clients will testify.
If you cheap out because you don’t value accounting, I expect your business results would reflect it.

If you’d like help planning your farm for business and personal success, then call me or send an email.


How Good is Your Information?

I’ve been staunchly encouraging (ok, pushing) my clients to up the ante on how they manage their
business information. As we look at 2015, it is clear that opportunities for profit will be harder to find
than in years past and we must use every tool at our disposal to make the best decisions possible.

Enter data management.

Why do you think retail spaces are designed the way they are? It comes from the retailer devoting
incredible resources to study the habits and behaviors of its shoppers. They take that information and
then design spaces in such a way that plays to the habits and behaviors of their shoppers so as to put
the desired products in front of their shoppers at the desired time and place during the shopping
experience. For example, they have learned that typically shoppers turn right versus left as soon as they
enter a store, and thus plan their store layout in a way that panders to a shopper’s subconscious
behavior AND the retailer’s intention to sell high margin items. Maybe it’s that shoppers turn left and
not right, but you get the point, so who cares? Business cares, that’s who.

Like that retail giant, you have the ability to make important business decisions based on specific
management data. You would use your historical agronomic data to decide which crop offers the best
profitability on each specific field (relative to rotation.) You review historical financial statements to
measure actual results versus projected results. You analyze soil test reports to determine how much
residual nutrient remains in your soil before making fertilizer purchases. This could go on and on.
I spend a lot of time working on True Cost of Production calculations and building Profit Curves for my
clients. I can only do a precise job with complete and accurate information. And when you’re using that
work to make important business decisions, it is imperative that you provide usable and accurate info.
The retailer will often hire out the collecting and compiling of data as well as the analysis and the
creation of a final report with recommendations. The final report can only be as good as the quality of
the data collected. The retailer could invest millions of dollars based on the information in that final

Your business is no different: you collect and compile your own data; if you need the help, there are
qualified advisors available to help you decipher it and provide recommendations; you are then more
confident in future business decisions because you make the most informed choice available.

I am often asked for suggestions as to which data management platform to use. I liken it to exercise: you
can run, bike, jog, swim, whatever…as long as you’re exercising. Same with your farm data, there are
many platforms available; find the one that feels best for you…as long as you’re using it.

Direct Questions

Does your data management practice include data as precise as pounds of nutrient per acre by crop?
Are you retaining records of historical information to establish trend lines?
Are you recording your data at all, even if it is just a pencil and a ledger?

From the Home Quarter

There’s a lot of noise out there about “big data” and ownership/use of that data, and for good reason.
I’m not condoning the perceived risks relating to big data’s custody and/or use of your info, but in reality
we’ve been letting Google do it to us for a very long time already. Does that make it acceptable? No, of
course not. But do we let that be the excuse to not collect and manage our data? The actual harm done
to our business from not collecting data is greater than the risk of harm from potential illicit use of our
data. The cost of doing nothing in this case is far greater than the risk of doing the wrong thing.
I don’t care if you use a “big data” cloud based platform, or a spreadsheet on your Windows 95
computer. You owe it to yourself and to your business to make the most informed decisions possible.
The best decisions are made with good information. How good is your information?

If you’d like help planning your farm for business and personal success, then call me or send an email.


Decision Making with Incomplete Information

“We rob ourselves when we make decisions in the moment with no thought of how those decisions will
impact our futures.” – Andy Stanley

It’s easy to look back at decisions we have made and say we could have done better. Are you ready to
head down “Metaphor Avenue”? Hind-sight is 20/20, so don’t beat yourself up; next time you’ll knock it
out of the park!

Why can you say that you could have done better in making past decisions? It is likely because you were
working with incomplete information. However, considering the vast availability of information today
let’s also suggest that too much information contributes greatly to incomplete information. There is a lot
of noise out there, and sorting through it all can be overwhelming.

So how does one make better decisions when working with incomplete information? It’s difficult, and
risky, especially considering the financial repercussions each decision can hold. Yet these decisions get
made regularly often based on emotion, a hunch, or some gossip.

Stick with your Strategic Plan

The strategy you have established for your business should rule when attempting to make decisions
with incomplete information. Any option that leads you to deviate from your strategy should be quickly
discarded. If a decision takes you away from your original strategy then either there are extenuating
circumstances or business has changed and your strategy wasn’t changed with it. Either way, you’ve got
some more work to do.

Follow your Tactical Plan

Strategy is what you want to accomplish and why. Tactics are how you will get it done. These 2 plans
should be closely aligned. Don’t get caught using justification that is “tactical” in nature to permit a
decision that goes against your strategic plan. To paraphrase the quote above, how will this decision
affect your future?













Get Advice from Trusted Sources

Ideally, a trusted source has no vested interest in one decisive outcome over another. Although, a
trusted source can be someone who may have a vested interest, but whose integrity is above any
question you may have about his/her judgement. When information is incomplete or confusing, seek
out someone who has expertise and knowledge to help you sort through the noise and clear your focus.
A naturopath will always have a miracle product that can cure anything that ails you; a surgeon’s advice
will always insist that surgery is the best option. Vested interests….get a second (or third) opinion.

Direct Questions

Do you make business decisions without adequate information, basing your choice on emotion, a hunch,
or gossip?

Do your major decisions reflect your strategic plan? (Do you have a strategic plan?)

Do you have trusted advisors who you can call on for help?

Are you contributing to incomplete information from your own habits of improper data management?

From the Home Quarter

If we waited for perfect information before making every decision, we’d never make any decision. We
have always had to proceed with the best information we had at the time. And the fact is information is
never perfect. But don’t let that fact be an excuse to allow yourself to not manage your own business
information adequately. You have a responsibility to ensure that you provide yourself with information
that is as complete as you can make it. Business moves at the speed of the internet, so we must be in a
constant state of information management. Advisors can bring immeasurable benefit to your decision
making by either removing emotion or by providing insight from a position of unique expertise. And at
the end of the day, your best allies in decision making are planning and discipline.

If you’d like help planning your farm for business and personal success, then call me or send an email.


Planning With a RESULTS Mindset

I was listening to a local radio station the other night and heard an interview with the hockey coach of
the local junior team. What caught my attention was the comment “every game matters now, every
shift matters now as we try to make our way into the playoffs.”

So did every game and every shift matter less early in the season? Why would the team accept
mediocrity at the beginning of the season only to urgently try to find excellence at the tail end in a mad
dash to make the playoffs and maintain fan support?

It sounds to me like they didn’t have a plan when they opened Game 1 of the current campaign. If their
plan at the beginning of the season was to actually make the playoffs, then every shift and every game
would have mattered all season! Granted, that would not have guaranteed entry into the post-season,
but it’s about mindset. Did they have winning as a frame of mind all season? That is what I question.
How does this apply to your business? Simple: examine honestly and critically what is your frame of
mind going into the growing season.

Believe it or not, mindset will ultimately create your results.











For example, a mindset of “don’t lose any money” will create an attitude of risk aversion, and a that would likely prevent you from forward pricing any new crop before it’s in the bin. The results would be lost pricing opportunities and likely lower profitability.

But if you are planning, I mean really putting effort into planning, the whole scheme changes.











The essence of planning puts the focus on results. If you focus on results and therefore create a “results
mindset,” your attitude and your actions will reflect as such.

I contest that if that junior hockey team began this season with a results mindset, then every game and
every shift would matter right from the beginning of training camp. They’ll have about as much success
making the playoffs with a sub-.500 record in February as your farm will have in trying to turn an
average crop into a bumper in August.

Direct Questions

You are crop planning. Hopefully you’re market planning as well. Are you “business” planning?
Are you prepared to get dirty with some ground level business planning in 2015?

From the Home Quarter

In a recent issue of the blog, you were asked to think about how you define wealth,
because it would provide clarity in how you run your business. This week, you’ve been challenged to
think about your mindset at the beginning of this crop season. Intention sets direction. Clear goals set
the roadmap. As the CEO, you are the captain of your ship. Are you using any guidance tools, still
holding on to the compass and sextant, or consulting the GPS?

Over the next few weeks of Growing Farm Profits Weekly, we’ll dig deeper, and get a little dirty
regarding business planning. It can be messy, but it’s still cleaner than trying to deal with the unforeseen
when we’re not prepared.

Think about this: every enterprise that you do business with has a business plan.